Pulse Tubes Store

6SN7-SUB - Hi Performance

Sale price Price $176.00

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New and Exclusive at Pulse. 

This 6SN7-SUB  sub will blow you away.

Our custom design and construction makes this tube Plug&Play in any 6SN7 Socket.

No Microphonics - Common problem with fragile tubes of the 6SN7 family, these tubes are solid as a rock.

Also we have potted these pencil thin tubes in a High Elastance base making it even more immune to shock and vibrations.

No Heat - This tube runs cool to touch.

Brand New MINT NOS NIB Rare Mullard CV4503 Military tubes. 

CV4503 Flying Lead is Premium Grade, High Reliability Long Life tube designed for use in guided weapons. (Click Here to read about Flying Leads Valves).

Whyteleafe "A" Plant Date Codes. Made in Gt. Britain. Date codes on these flying leads are painted on instead of etched codes found on regular versions. 

These tubes are one of a kind. No refunds, exchanges or tube rolling at our expense as it says in the Terms and Conditions on the web site.

Tested and matched on Top of the Line Calibrated Tube testers. 

Single Tube price below. Select 2 for a Matched Pair or 3 for a Matched Trio or 4 for a Matched Quad.

Early feedback from our beta customer:

Here is a comparison report done by Audiophile Jeremy Baird between 2 versions of the 6SN7-SUB that we built to choose which one to offer for sale. One built with Mullard CV4503 and the other with Mullard CV3930

Regarding the special 6SN7-SUB tubes. My preference is the Mullard CV4503. I tested these tubes in my Schiit Audio Lyr 3 which is a hybrid tube amp. I used several of my headphones and both the CV3930 and CV4503 were completely silent, no noise or micro-phonics. 

The CV3930 have very good imaging, separation of instruments, placement of those instruments within the soundstage, detail is good, with ‘ok’ splash on cymbals, and very good reverb on tracks that call for it.  

 In comparison the CV4503 carry over all of the good traits of the CV3930 (very good imaging, separation of instruments, placement of those instruments within the soundstage, and very good reverb on tracks that call for it.) where the differences of the CV4503, they are a little more forward, have a wider stage by just a bit, have better detail and more apparent detail, however these tubes are slightly on the brighter side, they are not harsh or sibilant, but they are brighter then the CV3930. (I mention “apparent detail” do to these being brighter tubes as the higher frequencies are more apparent, though I also mention better detail as they do have better detail than the CV3930. The CV4503 have better overall detail and more noticeable detail
